PANEL: Dismantling Gender Bias: Empowering Women, Engaging Men
Date & Time
Tuesday, September 12, 2023, 1:15 PM - 1:45 PM
Kimberly Tobias Heather Bunyard Giao Carrico Paul Reynolds Jenn Stein

Although our industry is trending toward gender equity and against workplace biases, progress has been slow. Most of us know the stats; while policy changes have opened some doors, there are still large gender-based gaps in pay and leadership roles. Not every employee can address these gaps directly, making many of us feel helpless. But there are ways for everyone to disrupt the status quo and enable women leaders to thrive. In this panel, ISG provides tangible ways to ally with women in the workplace, using real-life experiences from our panelists to illustrate how these actions have a positive impact. 1. Discover how to identify norms or behaviors within your own company that may be barriers to gender equity, 2. Hear how these successful women overcame career challenges via their authentic lived experiences, and 3. Learn actions we can all take to empower, partner with and celebrate women leaders as colleagues and allies.

Session Type
Sales and Marketing Effectiveness, Return on Investment, Future Workplace, Emerging Technology, Generative AI and LLMs, Market Trends and Insights