PANEL: Empowering Service Providers for Sustainable Impact
Date & Time
Tuesday, September 12, 2023, 1:50 PM - 2:15 PM
Bernie Hoecker Jacqueline Krain Menaka Sundaravadanam Kathy Rudy

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, organizations are increasingly recognizing the vital importance of integrating sustainability into their brand and IT strategies. This session will delve into the specific sustainability challenges that clients often face during the implementation of business and IT strategies, including minimizing carbon footprints, reducing energy consumption, managing electronic waste, and adopting eco-friendly practices throughout the IT lifecycle.  Clients have a key dependency on Service Providers/Integrator’s to achieve their sustainability and ESG goals. Service Providers must answer the following sustainability prerequisites:

  • How ‘green’ is your firm and what commitments have you pledged as an enterprise?
  • Do you possess the skills, offerings, and tools to enable enterprise clients to achieve their goals?
  • How does Sustainability improve your brand and the bottom line?
  • Do you have industry specific offerings to maximize client value and meet regulatory requirements?
Session Type
Deep Dive
Sales and Marketing Effectiveness